Saturday, 7 November 2009

good shit from the vault 08

I can’t perform this poem
Unless I’m on a stage
And I refuse to appear in the paper
Unless I’ve made the front page
I wont make a splash
Until I’ve made the grade
Don’t watch me learn
Just wait till my persona is made
And when that time comes
Don’t be surprised if you see a different person
Don’t be scared
Don’t be afraid
Because money changes people
And I’ll be different when I get paid
Oh lord
let this money change me
Let the red fifty pound notes
Take hold over, 
Until I crinkle and fold
So when straightened out
I’ll be both the brave and the bold
Strong as knights from books of old
My presence will be felt around the world
And whenever I’m absent, you’ll be left cold
lets begin
take my eyes, nose, ears, teeth and chin
Take them all and throw them in the bin
And when you see a man with no face
Staring back at you
Don’t be scared
Don’t be afraid
Because if I want to make a living
This is what I have to do
And we will all be wealthy
And I’ll be saved. I’ll be saved.